

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Salam 2016


Tujuan utama organisasi ini adalah menerapkan budaya membaca di kalangan masyarakat Malaysia. Kami mempunya visi dan misi yang jelas dengan meletakkan sepenuh kepercayaan bahawa budaya membaca masyarakat Malaysia sedang dalam proses membangun, bersesuaian dengan tahap negara membangun. Semoga aktiviti yang telah, sedang dan akan datang akan memberi manfaat kepada semua. 

This organization’s main purpose is to inculcate the culture of reading into the society’s norms. Our primary goal focuses on putting the books out there, accessible for the public to rediscover and restore their love for reading. We fully acknowledge that this would benefit the society in so many ways, in terms of educating people and spreading knowledge. The basic idea is to provide a level of access for the public to borrow the books. 

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